Student Media: writing, editing and lots of gin-based socials

I’m probably biased but the best thing you can possibly do during your three years at Queen Mary (or any uni for that matter) is to get involved with Student Media. Whether it be The Print newspaper, CUB magazine, QMTV or Quest Radio, it’s free, easy to get into work experience. And it looks cracking on your CV. I got involved with student media properly in my second year, after spending the majority of my first year arguing I ‘never have the time’ to contribute regularly. That’s understandable – you’re in a new city (probably), Freshers’ Fair has swallowed you whole and your email account is now full of emails from the vegan society/cheerleading squad (you swore you were interested at the time, but it was really for the free cake/chocolate/pens). But it’s also a lie. In first year, and you’ll realise this in your second/third, you have SO MUCH TIME. So use it wisely, and get writing.

If I could go back and do something differently, it would be that I got involved as early as possible and gained as much writing experience as I could. But I didn’t – instead I waited until May rolled around and editorial positions opened for all outlets. I applied to be a regular columnist, named aptly: The City and the Northern Girl (very Carrie Bradshaw, I know). Cut a long story short, I got the position and proceeded to impart my North vs. South wisdom on to the entire QM population – so much so that I once got recognised in Spoons, just the beginning of my celebrity career. Not. Now I am the editor-in-chief, and I genuinely feel that every student, especially HSS students, should join the media family. We’re a fab bunch.

I’m probably making no sense to those of you who have no clue what Student Media even is, let alone what it does. So here’s the lowdown:

558314_624001094289194_2064892024_nCUB MAGAZINE. Queen Mary’s oldest (and finest) Arts and Culture magazine, currently ran by me, god help them. Sections include: Film, Music, Style, Arts, Features, Columns, London, Photography & UniSex. Publishes four times a year in print (literally the most stunning magazine you will ever see in your life) as well as boosting an online presence @ Fresh content uploaded daily.

1512617_802382833134651_2420543857757590739_nTHE PRINT. Queen Mary’s student newspaper. Originally named QMessenger, then Davey Brett took over and changed it forever. And made it crazily better. Sections include: News (obviously), Comment, Features, Satire, Sport & Societies. Publishes eight times a year, usually every two-three weeks, in print and is currently in the process of designing a new website to accompany @

432258_210917425673732_910636721_nQUEST RADIO: Queen Mary’s student radio. Has seen huge changes this year under it’s leader Lucy Furneaux. Now featuring a beautiful new website @ and at last count, has over 40 different radio shows/hosts. Currently battling against the Students Union to be moved over into the SU Hub, and to be played in all Union outlets on campus.

QMTV: Sort of died a death this year with management difficulties. In the process of being revived. However to give you some sort of context, last year it had these ‘Bloody Mary’ episodes which reported news from campus and encouraged debate inc. the ISoc protest over prayer spaces (can be viewed @

They’re the ‘big four’ if you like, but we also have four other outlets, so I’ll give you a brief overview of those:

1458496_201774926673144_2027577175_nPOLITICS MADE PUBLIC (PMP): A politics magazine, with an aim to make politics more approachable and understandable by people who basically don’t have a clue (aka me). Set up and managed by Matt Mahmoud and Jasper Tautorus. Published 2-3 times a year in print, also has an online presence @

qmrQUEEN MARY REVIEW (QMR): Queen Mary’s outlet specifically for creative writing. Write poetry, short stories or other fiction-related things? Then this is the magazine for you. Headed by Bruno Cooke, it publishes bi-annually. Has a cute blog @

qmsciQMSCI: Queen Mary’s science magazine, Physics I think (I’m an English student, don’t judge). Mostly academic stuff, plus really clever discoveries/articles by Science students and staff. Oh, according to their description: “[it] aims to provide the brightest and the best, the coolest and kookiest of science to our readers – both on and off campus.” Well there you go then. Publishes bi-annually. Also has a cool blog @

941803_318967564907897_885630000_nTHE VULTURE: Barts’ own magazine. Editors remain anonymous. Don’t actually know what its content is.



So there you go. The full eight. Take your pick, get involved, boost your CV and attend our socials while you’re at it. We’re hilarious after a few gins.

Positions include: 

  • Editor-in-Chief (the big boss of the outlet, makes key decisions, is blamed when things go wrong, far too passionate about their publication)
  • Deputy Editor (helps the Editor-in-Chief keep everything running smoothly, ensures they don’t have a breakdown)
  • Section Editors (in charge of gathering and editing articles for each section e.g. Features)
  • Sub Editors (they design and layout the print issues, makes it look pretty, disguises any horrendous submissions)
  • Photography Editors (source images both online and in print to accompany articles)
  • Online Editors (in charge of the website, ensure things are copied and pasted over correctly, bombards social media with links to online articles)
  • Columnists (kinda speaks for itself)
  • Contributors (the most important position in the team, providing us with actual articles to edit and publish)

Trust me, you should get involved. You definitely won’t regret it.

Published by

Becky Hipkiss

Originally a Northern girl, I moved down from Warrington (no, not many people have heard of it) to London to study English at Queen Mary in 2012. Currently a third year student, slowly losing the will to live in a mass of essays, books & research on war literature, London 1900 to the present and contemporary American novels. I am also working on a dissertation on the Pankhurst's war speeches between 1914-18. With the end in sight (ish), I have recently accepted an offer to study for my Secondary English PGCE at the University of Manchester, commencing September 2015.